
Faculty Recruitment Resources: Forms & Letters

Processing Instructions

All offer letters listed below can be found under the letter 'O' in:

To avoid signature/approval delays, please submit the following for all new tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty: with (if applicable), Offer Letter, Job Posting, Three (3) (or you may indicate that the verifications are currently being conducted), and CV.

Department Chair
Offer Letter Faculty – Department Chair Reappointment
Offer Letter Faculty – Non-USF Faculty Member Appointment as Department Chair (Tenure Earning)

Tenure-Earning New Employees
Offer Letter Faculty - Hiring with Tenure
Offer Letter Faculty - Tenure Earning with Awarding Service Credit
Offer Letter Faculty - Tenure Earning (without Ph.D.)   

*Important for Hiring with Tenure: a vote by tenured faculty must be conducted to hire with tenure and rank before extending an offer. Please include the vote with approval from the chair and dean wih the offer letter packet submission. 

Non-Tenure-Earning New Employees
Offer Letter Faculty - Non-Tenure Earning
Offer Letter Faculty - Non-Tenure Earning/Non-Teaching

Non-Tenure Earning Continuing Employees
Offer Letter Faculty - Non-Tenure Continuing

Offer Letter - In-Unit Adjunct
Offer Letter - Out-of-Unit Adjunct

Courtesy Request
Request for Courtesy Appointment

Courtesy New Employees
Standard Letter (Faculty of Record/Teaching)
Standard Letter (Non-Teaching)

Courtesy Continuing Employees
Standard Letter (Faculty of Record/Teaching)
Standard Letter (Non-Teaching)

Visiting Faculty
Offer Letter – Administration Visiting