Federal Direct Loans

Before Your Federal Direct Student Loan Will Disburse, you must...

Step 1

Accept Your Loans

  • Login to
  • Select "Financial Aid"
  • Select "My Award and Loan Information"
  • Select "Award for Aid Year"
  • Click the "Terms and Conditions" tab if you have not read and agreed to your financial aid terms and conditions. You MUST agree to the Terms and Conditions before you can accept, decline or reduce your loans
  • Next, select the Accept Award tab
  • Under "Accept Award" select "Accept"
    • Note: If you want a partial award amount, enter it under "Accept Partial Amount"
  • Click "Submit Decision"

Step 2

New Borrowers: Complete Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note (MPN)

  • Go to and sign in using your FSA ID
  • Complete the Entrance Counseling
  • Complete and sign your Master Promissory Note