

Ph.D. Graduates and Dissertations by the decade



  • Drobisz, Jack
    The Effects of Arousal Presented by a Pedagogical Agent on English Language Learners' Situational Interest, Cognitive Load, and Reading Comprehension in Online Reading Tasks
  • Wright, Heather
    Exploring Teacher Assessment Literacy through the Process of Training Teachers to Write Assessment Items


  • Jordan, Beth E.
    Developing Differentiated Reading Instruction Online for Gifted Third Graders:  Innovation Meets Resistance
  • Ruiz, Claudia A.
    Job Satisfaction of Adjunct Faculty Who Teach in Standardized Online Courses 
  • Wheeler, Kimberly
    A Mixed Method Study Examining Synchronous-Enhanced Learning in Distance Education 
  • Gump, Andrew W.
    Facilitating Motivation in a Virtual World Within a Second Language Acquisition Classroom 


  • Heindel, Allen J.
    A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Higher Education Students with Disabilities with Online Coursework
  • Powell, Jozan M.
    School Library Media Specialists’ Perceptions of Collaboration, Leadership and Technology 
  • Donnelly, David S.
    Dissertation: A Warranted Domain Theory and Developmental Framework for a Web-based Treatment in Support of Physician Wellness


  • Tapanes, Marie
    Dissertation: Revision And Validation Of A Culturally-Adapted Online Instructional Module Using Edmundson's CAP Model: A DBR Study


  • Hubbard, Barry
    Dissertation: Manifestations of Hidden Curriculum in a Community College Online Opticianry Program: An Ecological Approach
  • Spears, Cameron
    Dissertation: The Dynamic Graphic Organizer and its Influence on Making Factual, Comparative, and Inferential Determinations within Comparative Content



  • Anderson, Lisa
    Dissertation: The Role of Image Resolution to Locomotion Tasks in Virtual Desktop Wayfinding
  • Subramaniam, Chitra
    Dissertation: Exploring Efficient Design Approaches for Display of Multidimensional Data To Facilitate Interpretation of Information


  • Haunstetter, Denise
    Dissertation: Digitally implemented interactive fiction: Systematic development and validation of ‘Mole, P.I.’, a multimedia adventure for third grade readers 
  • Lewis, David
    Dissertation: The Acquisition of Procedural Skills: An Analysis of the Worked Example Effect Using Animated Demonstrations
  • Ritzhaupt, Albert
    Dissertation: Effects of Time-Compressed Audio and Adjunct Images on Learner Recall, Recognition, and Satisfaction
  • Stewart, Shelley
    Dissertation: A Study of instructional strategies that promote learning centered synchronous dialogue online


  • Bunch, John
    Dissertation: The effects of goal message and goal orientation on learning in a Web-based tutorial
  • Davis, Darrel R.
    Dissertation: The model-based systematic development of LOGIS online graphing instructional simulator
  • Hilbelink, Amy
    Dissertation: The Effectiveness and User Perception of 3-Dimensional Digital Human Anatomy in an Online Undergraduate Anatomy Laboratory.
  • Hohlfeld, Tina
    Dissertation: The Relationship Between Technology Integration And Achievement Using Multi-Level Modeling
  • Kemker, Kate
    Dissertation:  Technology in Low Socio-Economic K-12 Schools: Examining Student Access and Implementation
  • Pace, Mel
    Dissertation: Have the Perceptions of School Library Media Specialists in the State of 91ÉçÇø about the Saliency of Certain Information Power Goals, Related to Collaboration, Leadership and Technology, Changed Since 1996?
  • Venable, Melissa
    Dissertation: Online Delivery of Career Choice Interventions: Preferences of First-Year Students in Higher Education


  • Moore, Barbara J.
    Dissertation: Goal Conflicts, Self-Regulation, and Course Completion: A Comparison of Web-Based Learners to Traditional Classroom Learners


  • Canton, Reinaldo
    Dissertation: Effects of Constructed Response Contingencies in Web-Based Programmed Instruction on Graphing Compared to Cued-Text Presentation of the Same Information
  • Grace, Phillip E.
    Dissertation: Full-Page Versus Partial-Page Screen Designs in Web-Based Training: Their Effects on Learner Satisfaction and Performance
  • Javidi, Giti
    Dissertation: A Comparison of Traditional Physical Laboratory and Computer Simulated Laboratory Experiences in Relation to Engineering Undergraduate Students’ Conceptual Understandings of a Communication Systems Topic  
  • Sandoe, Cheryl N.
    Dissertation: Measuring Transactional Distance of Online Courses: The Structure Component
  • Schullo, Shauna
    Dissertation: An Analysis of Pedagogical Strategies: Using Synchronous Web-based Course Systems in the Online Classroom
  • Szydlo, Sally
    Dissertation: Metacognitive Strategies in a Web-enhanced Environment: The Effects of Achievement in Problem-solving for Engineering Undergraduates


  • Granston, Carol
    Dissertation: Technology and teacher training: The systematic design and development of a framework for integrating technology into Jamaica’s teacher training programs
  • Lindsey, Jeffrey
    Dissertation: The Effects of Computer Simulation and Learning Styles on Emergency Vehicle Drivers’ Competency in Training Courses
  • Sweeney, Phyllis
    Dissertation: What Faculty Know about Designing Online Materials in Compliance with Current US Copyright and Fair Use Laws


  • King, Jennifer Brown
    Dissertation: Development and validation of an instrument to measure the implementation fidelity of teachers using integrated learning systems


  • Burkett, Ruth
    Dissertation: Using Electronic Bulletin Boards and Journals to Enhance Pre-service Teachers Self-Efficacy and Attitudes toward the Use of Computers
  • Calandra, Brendan
    Dissertation: Advance organizers and web-based instruction: Effects on preservice teachers' achievement and attitudes
  • Hamersma, Paige  
    Dissertation: Effects of using a computer-based visualization tool to learn complex numbers in trigonometry  


  • Condor, James
    Dissertation: Effects of computer coaching in metacognitively-cued elementary statistics instruction  
  • Greene, Patrick
    Dissertation: Effects of graphic organizers on high school science students’ performance in the collaborative production and presentation of hypermedia research projects
  • Harmes, J. Christine
    Dissertation: Accuracy and Stability of Item Parameter Estimates under Conditions of Sparse Data: Implications for Computerized Adaptive Testing
  • Majchrzak, Tina
    Dissertation: Effects of deadline contingencies in a web-based course on HTML


  • Pable, Jill
    Dissertation: A Description of Students’ Experiences with a Studio-based Quick Sketching Course Using Traditional and Computer-based Instruction Practice Strategies



  • Cavanaugh, Catherine
    Dissertation: The effectiveness of interactive distance education technologies in k-12 learning: a meta-analysis


  • Cavanaugh, Terrance
    Dissertation: Effect of Using Repurposed Science Rich Feature Films with Varying Levels of Student Activity in Middle Grades Science Instruction
  • Lyskawa, Chester
    Dissertation: An investigation of the effects of semiotic versus traditional hyperlinks on learner satisfaction and performance
  • Runde, Dennis
    Dissertation: Effects of portable computer algebra systems and problem-solving heuristics on community college algebra students' word problem-solving abilities
  • Zucker (Capobianco), Susan
    Dissertation: Instructional intranets in graduate medical education


  • VanDeventer, Stephanie
    Dissertation: Expert behavior among outstanding videogame-playing children


  • Chancey, Monty
    Dissertation: The effects of individualized computer-based learning versus computer-assisted large group learning conditions on middle school students' library skills achievement
  • Khonsari, Laleh
    Dissertation: A survey of physicians' attitudes toward computer-based distance continuing medical education


  • Ivers, Karen. S.
    Dissertation: The Effects of Computer-based Cooperative, Competitive, and Individualistic Learning Conditions on Adult Learners’ Achievement and Near-Transfer Performance.



  • Jeffries, Michael
    Dissertation:  The effects of three levels of feedback on anxiety and academic performance during computer-assisted instruction


  • Bard-Hanson, Janet
    Dissertation: A Comparison of computer-based and paper-and-pencil methods of testing elementary school children


  • Turner, Sandra
    Dissertation:  Encouraging women's participation in high school mathematics: An intervention study