Tampa Bay Wipro Science Education Fellowship Program

Apply to the Program

Thank you for your interest in the Tampa Bay Wipro Science Education Fellowship! Below is the information about the application process.

Application Timeline
January 6, 2020 Application Opens
Late-January/Early-February Informal Information Sessions for Potential Fellows
July 15, 2020 Applications Due
August 1, 2020 Fellows Notified
TBD Cohort 3 Induction Ceremony
TBD Tampa Bay Wipro Science Education Fellowship Year 2 End of Year Conference
August 2020 - May 2021 Cohort 3 Year 1 Fellowship Period


The Tampa Bay Wipro Science Education Fellowship program is open to teachers in Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties. All teachers of science in grades K-12 who have taught science for at least three years and been employed by their current district for at least two years are invited to apply. Teachers must hold a valid license to teach a science subject; this can be an elementary license at the elementary level. Teachers should be able to describe past professional leadership experiences and must be able to demonstrate how they have been successful in the classroom.

Teachers also must have the support of their school administrator to apply due to the extra commitments you will have during the school year. Furthermore, teachers who become Fellows are committing to remain in the classroom for the entire term of their Fellowship. Please note that the Wipro Science Education Fellowship is an intensive program that will require an average of 125 hours of your time each year, and applicants should carefully consider their other teaching and professional obligations before applying.



There are three steps to apply to take part in the fellowship:

  1. Complete the open response questions found in the application document. Please save these responses in a Word Document with your name and district as the file name.
  2. Complete the Contract for Fellows found in the application document with a signatures from your administrator.
  3. Complete the Tampa Bay Wipro Science Education Fellowship application and upload your open response questions, email of support from your principal, and Contract for Fellows to that page.

Please submit completed application online. All materials must be received by 11:59 PM on July 15th, 2020.

If you have questions about the application process, please do not hesitate to reach out to wipro@usf.edu.