
Shared Interest Groups (SIGs)

OLLI's Shared Interest Groups (SIGS) offer opportunity and informal learning around a shared interest.   They are free and open to OLLI-USF Members.

Contact each SIG directly (click on the bold green names) to get connected.

Arts and Literature


Community of Readers and Writers
We meet via Zoom for discussion and special events and share reading of current novels, nonfiction, short stories, memoirs, and essays. We offer feedback on your writing through group conversation with experienced readers and train newcomers in our supportive methods.  Our private Facebook site is a resource of ideas for developing your storytelling and literary skills.   Contact

Whether you are new to opera or an aficionado, join OLLI's opera SIG as we all explore ways to expand our knowledge and appreciation of opera. We meet to enjoy lively discussion about opera that focuses on the Met in HD broadcasts. Contact Kathryn Alyson for more information about our "Operatunity family."

Talking Movies
Love Movies? HATE the fact that many never make it to local screens? Join us; we'll be selecting movies to view on our own, then gathering to talk about them. We meet via Zoom on the third Friday each month from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Contact Richard Rogers for more information.

Write Time for Poets
Welcome to your online poetry-writing community. Once a month, join us in our Zoom room -- your creative space. Work on your poems-in-progress and/or practice timed writing in response to prompts. We meet for 90 minutes on the 2nd Thursday each month from 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Contact Cath Mason for more information.

91ÉçÇø Life


91ÉçÇø Gardening SIG
Gardeners, unite.  The 91ÉçÇø Gardening SIG has members of all levels of experience to learn and share more about gardening in 91ÉçÇø. We discuss house plants, balcony/patio gardening, food and butterfly gardening as well as specialized gardening such as orchids, roses or native plants, pesticide and fertilizer use. We have guest speakers, tour public and private gardens, and more. Seasonal weather will impact how and where meetings are conducted (on-line, in-person, etc.).  Contact us at for more information and to be placed on the mailing list.

Food! Glorious Food!
Are you interested in exploring Tampa's food world and all that it represents? Come with us on a journey to investigate the world of food - how it grows, where to buy it and where to eat it as we learn through speakers, field trips and other presentations that are available on the Zoom online platform. For information, please contact Sandy Buckley

OLLI Outdoors
Join others to experience our activities which include hiking, walking, canoe/kayaking, biking, and virual learning programs. Learn about the histories, flora & flauna, geologic features, and the challenges facing our outdoor spaces.  Join us to stay curious, be adventurous and most of all - to have fun!  Learn more about who we are and what we do by visiting our .  Ready to have outdoors fun?   today to get started! Still have questions, email the SIG Leaders here.

OLLI Shutterbugs
Do you like to take photos of people, places, and things? Join the OLLI Shutterbugs on photo outings to places like farmers' markets, craft fairs, and many other venues in and around Tampa Bay. We have an outing about once a month from Sept./Oct. through June. We also meet every other month for a presentation to help you improve your photos! For information email Rich Edwards or Jean Nixon.



Board Games
The group meets the third Thursday of each month from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at various locations in the Tampa area.  Bring your favorite board game, or just bring yourself, and join in the fun!   Contact Robyn Cheung for more information

Online Games
The Online Games SIG meets the second Thursday of each month from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. on Zoom.  Are you interested in trying online games?  Join this group of Scattergories enthusiasts for a fun afternoon.  Laughs guaranteed.  Contact Kathy Palmer for more information.

Languages and Culture


China SIG
The China SIG fosters an appreciation for and understanding of the Chinese people and their cultures. Our group meets at least quarterly, either virtually or in person. We celebrate Chinese traditional holidays and enjoy presentations and videos by a variety of speakers and musicians. For more information, contact Kun Shi or Nancy Stuart.

German Conversation SIG
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Practice German conversation in a friendly and casual setting.  We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m., on Zoom.  Various topics will be covered; some knowledge of fundamentals will be helpful.  For more information, contact Christine Basch

Hablemos! Spanish Conversation SIG 
Is your español rusty from lack of use? Join our friendly conversation group via Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 3:00 until 4:30 p.m. Come to talk or to listen; all levels of Spanish speakers welcome. Contact Ethel Donaghy or Debbie Gitomer at for more information.

Ici on parle français!
This group provides a place for Francophones and Francophiles to meet and discuss topics of interest in French. Zoom sessions are held on the first and third Mondays of each month. A basic knowledge of French is required, but all levels of speaking ability are welcomed. To join in, please contact Lise Bérubé.

Personal Enrichment


P-SIG: Politics Shared Interest Group
The Politics Shared Interest Group provides a forum for discussion and informal debate on topics related to U.S. domestic and foreign policy.  The P-SIG complements and promotes OLLI-USF classes on Political Science and History and is an adjunct to our weekly Saturday Social which covers current events of political interest.  P-SIG meetings will be held periodically on Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00 at Compton Park in Tampa Palms in a hybrid setting (in person and via Zoom).  Meeting dates will be announced well in advance and are open to OLLI-USF members and their sponsored guests.  For more information and to be included on our mailing list, please contact Rich Kennedy.

Self-Hypnotherapy Support Group SIG
Explore and share many approaches that can be utilized and practiced to deal with stress, unwanted emotions and feelings, and the many challenges that everyday life presents. Prerequisite: Self Hypnotherapy Class. If interested, please email Anne Haywood.

Check the  to view upcoming SIG meeting dates.

Can I Start a SIG?
Yes!  OLLI's Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) foster learning and friendships by linking OLLI-USF members who share a common interest (bridge, play-going, etc.). SIGs do not take the place of OLLI courses and programs – they complement them! Like everything else in this learning community, all it takes is a member willing to take the lead. We'll help you find others who share the same interest.

OLLI-USF's volunteer Nancy Baily-Williamson is SIG Liaison and part of OLLI-USF's Leadership Team. Nancy is available for SIG general information or assistance. 

View or download OLLI-USF's Guidelines for SIGs.

Would you like to propose a new SIG? View or complete an application here.