These forms are specifically for The College of Behavioral and Community Sciences students. If you have any questions on completing or submitting any of these forms, please contact bcs-ugstudentservices@usf.edu
USF Academic Calendar - Important dates and deadlines
Degree Works is a web-based degree audit and tracking tool for students and your advising
team to monitor progress toward degree completion. When you meet with your advising
team, you will use Degree Works to discuss classes and create a plan for your upcoming
Electronic Forms For Online Submission
Course Permits
Permits are granted by the campus and Department offering the course.
Bachelor's Degree Application for Graduation
available on-line using
Request to Declare or Change your Major or Minor in BCS
With this form you can request to declare or change your BCS (Behavioral and Community Sciences) major or minor. These forms are NOT to be used to update an existing graduation application.
Tampa Campus Declaration/Change of Major/Minor Request
Tampa student please fill out the above online request
Students should see their advisor in St. Pete for information
Students should see their advisor in Sarasota-Manatee for information
Graduation Verification Letter Request
This form is to request an official letter stating that you have completed or are about to complete all requirements for graduation. This is ONLY for undergraduate students who have applied for graduation. If you are a graduate student, please contact your department for a letter. Please note that if you're looking for a letter that states you have completed graduation requirements please submit this request after final grades have posted in .
Tampa students please fill out the above letter request form
St. Petersburg Campus Graduation Verification Letter Request
Please contact James Walker to request a graduation verification letter.
Please contact your academic advisor to request a graduation verification letter.
Request for Overload Approval
Students are allowed to take a maximum number of 18 credit hours per semester in the fall and spring and 14 credit hours in the summer. If you wish to go over that amount of credit hours, you will need to complete the appropriate request below.
St. Petersburg campus overload request form
Students should see their advisor in Sarasota-Manatee for information
Transient Form
USF Students who take courses at another accredited institution of higher learning
are considered "Transient" students. To receive approval and confirmation of how those
courses will transfer back to USF, you will need to complete the online 91社区 Shines
Transient form (floridashines.org). USF students are expected to complete their coursework
at USF. Students who wish to request to take courses at another institution must submit
the online Transient form prior to registering for courses at another institution.
Students should use the comment section of the online form to explain the purpose
of taking coursework at another institution. To be eligible for approval, the courses
you are requesting to take at another institution must meet the following criteria:Course(s)
must be necessary for graduation in current declared major. This can include courses
which are prerequisite courses necessary to take other major required courses. -and-
Either: (a) Course(s) are not available at USF and are academically necessary to be
taken this semester. This can include courses not offered at USF this semester, courses
which are full at USF this semester, or courses which overlap with another required
course. -or-(b) Student has an uncontrollable, necessary, and documentable reason
which prevents the student from being available to take courses at USF.
Paper Forms For Manual Submission
S/U Contract
If you wish to take a course in exchange for an "S" (Satisfactory) or "U" (Unsatisfactory)
grade. It is considered an agreement between you and the professor and does not need
to be submitted to any university office. Simply have the professor sign and make
a copy for each other. "S/U" grading does not affect your GPA at all, however understand
that an S/U grade will not satisfy the following requirements:
State Requirements (formerly Gordon Rule)
FKL Requirements
USF's BA Foreign Language Requirement
Check with your advisor to find out whether certain classes can be taken "S/U". This
form is available in the department offering the course.
S/U Contract
Time Conflict Request
Sometimes courses may have times that overlap and will not let you register for them. Only in rare circumstances will USF permit students
to register for courses that are scheduled to meet at the same time or overlapping
Examples can include:
2 courses required for graduation, last semester for student, and one starts at the
same time as the other one ends
1 course has a required common exam time which students only need to attend 4 or less
times throughout the semester
To request a time conflict exception, you will need to complete the above form. Time
Conflict forms cannot be submitted prior to registration or after registration is
Time Conflict requests must be processed through the college with professor approval.
Response time to your request will vary based on availability of faculty member. If
you have not received a response in 1 week (5 business days), then it is recommended
that you follow up with the faculty members for their feedback.
Time Conflict Request Form
Research Certificate (RISE)
The CBCS Undergraduate Research Certificate provides students with a planned sequence of courses to support their systematic development as undergraduate researchers and prepare them for graduate school.
Undergraduate Research Certificate Worksheet
The following courses are required for completion of the certificate. Many of these
courses will also count toward completion of your general education requirements or
your major.
Undergraduate Research Certification Application of Completion
Please submit this form in the semester in which you have applied to graduate with
your undergraduate degree.
Academic Regulations Petitions (ARC) forms for The College of Behavioral & Community Sciences (BCS) Students
Academic Regulations Committee (ARC) considers student petitions requesting exceptions to policies around adding and withdrawing from courses, or returning to USF after dismissal.
All ARC Petitions for BCS Students can be submitted using the Archivum portal located in .
Petitions should be submitted as soon as possible in accordance with action requested. Late submissions require reason and documentation for the delayed request. All submitted documentation is subject to verification. Submission of false, forged or fraudulent information will result in a referral to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Fee Adjustment Requests are a separate petition and must be submitted to USF Registrar's Office.
All Petitions must be complete upon submission, incomplete petitions will not be accepted and there will be a delay in processing time. Please read instructions thoroughly.
- Late Add
First: Were your classes canceled for financial reasons after the term began? Here's what to do: Re-Add Process
If Not Please proceed below:
Directions for the Archivum ARC Online form
- Before submitting petition you will need to contact the course鈥檚 instructor and ask them to complete the Instructor Documentation form to approve your request to be added to their class.
- This also allows you to keep up with coursework while your petition is being reviewed.
- Late Drop/Withdrawals
Directions for the Archivum ARC Online form-
Late Withdrawal is a withdrawal from a class after the withdrawal deadline published in the Academic Calendar has passed.
Total withdrawal is withdrawing from all registered courses in a semester.
Overriding the withdrawal limit is a request to withdraw from more courses than permitted by the withdrawal guidelines published under 鈥淲ithdrawals鈥 in the Student Registration and Records section of the Undergraduate catalog.
- Withdraw Limit Exemption
Directions for the Archivum ARC Online form
- Academic Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal
Directions for the Archivum ARC Online form
Questions can be submitted via email to bcs-ugstudentservices@usf.edu
Forms Required for Academic Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal:
ARC - Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal
ARC - Advising Record for Reinstatement
ARC - Medical Documentation (if necessary)
ARC - Reinstatement Personal Statement Worksheet- Students wishing to return to USF following academic dismissal (or returning with a USF GPA below 2.0) must use the reinstatement process prior to being readmitted.
The following forms are available for all students through the Registrar's Office
Address Change Form
Audit Form
Enrollment Certification Request Form
Fee Adjustment Form
Guide For Non-Degree Seeking Students
Grade Forgiveness Request Form
Late Registration Fee Waiver Form
Mandatory Immunization And Medical History Form
Name Change Form
Non-Degree Seeking Student Application
Replacement Diploma Request Form
Request For Reclassification Form
Schedule of Classes Narrative
State Employee Tuition Waiver Request Form
Student Privacy Request Form
Student Self-Declared Data Form
Summer Enrollment Requirement Waiver Application
Transcript Request Form
Withdrawal Application