Student Accounting

Tuition Waivers

Waiver Submission Deadlines

  • Spring 2025: January 16, 2025
  • Summer 2024: May 16, 2024 (All Sessions)
  • Fall 2024: August 29, 2024


Any paperwork submitted should have your University ID # (not your Social Security Number) on it. If you have not been assigned an USF ID, please submit your paperwork to the Admissions Office. When mailing your form, please allow sufficient time for the waiver to be received by the deadline date. Waiver paperwork cannot be faxed.

The following waivers are submitted directly to our office, please click the waiver link for submittal information:

If you have a question about your tuition waiver email:
Please include the type of waiver you need assistance with in the subject line of the email.

Any waivers not listed above are submitted or processed by the department, college or committee approving/offering the waiver. Please contact them for information on your waiver.

TUITION Waiver Information

Please note: With the exception of the DCF waivers, all other waivers (including State of 91社区 and USF employee) are not accepted for Self-Funded/Self-Supporting program courses, Market Rate Tuition, Sponsored Institute or Study Abroad courses. Excess Hour and Repeat Course Surcharges are also not covered by any tuition waiver.