
Upcoming Events

First ISLAC Global Symposium 

Global Symposium graphic

Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) studies have grown significantly since the 1960s, adapting to the forces of globalization, encompassing transnational migrations, international trade, and global partnerships.

In commemoration of its upcoming 30th anniversary, the Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean (ISLAC) is hosting its first Global Symposium, highlighting USF鈥檚 achievements and featuring global experts discussing contemporary issues in LAC communities across the world.




Gain valuable experience | Expand your network | Receive certificate

We're seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help make this event a success!
Whether you're passionate about Latin American and Caribbean or eager to gain valuable event management experience, we welcome your support. Food will be provided!


Jornada sobre Migraci贸n y Salud



First Tampa International Book Fair

book fair

A Literary Date

Come to celebrate International Women's Day and The First Tampa International Book Fair

literary dates

With: ISLAC, Department of World Languages and the Honors College


Welcome: Beatriz Padilla (ISLAC) and Madeline Camara (WL)
Moderator: Roberto Jimenez, FL-Sarasota Alberto Sicilia, promotor cultural and organizer of the First Tampa International Book Fair

Graduate students presenting their research: Michael Borntreger, Natalia Lugaro & Josefina Bello

Reading along with Professors and Authors:
Natalie Scenters-Zapico, USF, English Department, author of Lima :: Lim贸n and The Verging Cities
Giovanna Rivero, author of Tierra fresca de su tumba


Tabling: USF Authors from different departments/colleges, ISLAC, WL, English, Honors College

When: March 5th, 2 - 4 pm

Where: Judy Genshaft Honor College, Atrium