Graduate Programs

Graduate Deadlines

Fall 2019

Comprehenvisve examination:
鈼          Last Day: Committee Form for Comp Exam                         October 4, 2019
(Submit Form to GPS**)
鈼          Last Day to start Comp. Exam                                           October 25, 2019
            to apply for Candidacy in Fall 2019
Candidacy Deadline:
鈼          Deadline for Candidacy requests (Submit Form to GPS)         November 18, 2019
            (Committee Form must be on file prior to submission)          
Dissertation Defense
鈼          Timeframe to Complete Required ETD Workshop                 Summer 2019*
            (Or online in Fall 2019)
鈼          Deadline to apply for graduation,                                        September 20, 2019*
鈼          Deadline: Completed Dissertation Manuscript to                   September 30, 2019
Committee with Major Professor/s approval
(5-6 weeks prior to defense date; 9/30 if defense is 11/8.)
鈼          Deadline to request PhD Defense                                        October 18, 2019
            (Submit Form to GPS, 3 weeks prior to Defense Date)
鈼          Final Day to Defend Dissertation                                        November 8, 2019
鈼          Deadline for completing ETD registration and                      November 15, 2019*
submitting FINAL approved Dissertation by 5:00
M.A. Thesis Defense 鈥 Fall 2019:
鈼          Deadline to apply for graduation,                                        September 20, 2019*
鈼          Deadline: Completed Thesis Manuscript to Committee           October 3, 2019
with Major Professor/s approval
(3 weeks prior to defense date; 10/3 if defense is 10/24.)
鈼          Deadline to request MA Defense                                        October 11, 2019
            (Send Email Request to GPS, 2 weeks prior to Defense Date)
鈼          Final Day to Defend Thesis                                               October 24, 2019
鈼          Deadline for completing ETD registration and                      November 1, 2019*
submitting FINAL approved Thesis by 5:00

Spring 2020

Comprehensive examination:

鈼          Last Day: Committee Form for Comp Exam                         March 20, 2020
(Submit Form to GPS**)
鈼          Last Day to start Comp. Exam to                                        March 27, 2020
Apply for Candidacy in Spring 2020
鈼          Deadline for Candidacy requests (Submit Form to GPS)         April 17, 2020
            (Committee Form must be on file prior to submission)          
Dissertation Defense 鈥 Spring 2020***
鈼          Complete Required Online ETD Workshop                          Fall 2019
鈼          Deadline to apply for graduation,                                        February 1, 2020*
鈼          Deadline: Completed Dissertation Manuscript to                   February 14, 2020
Committee with Major Professor/s approval
(6 weeks prior to defense date; 2/14 if defense is 3/27)
鈼          Deadline to request Dissertation Defense                                         March 6, 2020
            (Submit Form to GPS, 3 weeks prior to Defense Date)
鈼          Final Day to Defend Dissertation                                        March 27, 2020
鈼          Deadline for completing ETD registration and                      April 3, 2020*
submitting FINAL approved Dissertation by 5:00
M.A. Thesis Defense 鈥 Spring 2020***
鈼          Deadline: Completed Thesis Manuscript to Committee           February 14, 2020
with Major Professor/s approval
(4 weeks prior to defense date; 2/14 if defense is 2/28.)
鈼          Deadline to request MA Defense                                        February 28, 2020
            (Send Email Request to GPS, 2 weeks prior to Defense Date)
鈼          Final Day to Defend Thesis                                               March 13, 2020
鈼          Deadline for completing ETD registration and                      March 20, 2020*
submitting FINAL approved Thesis by 5:00
*Graduate School Deadline or University Deadline

**GPS = Graduate Program Specialist

*** Since the Spring 2020 Deadlines were not yet published on the Office of Graduate Studies page at the time of writing this,
the Spring 2020 Deadlines are estimated based on 2019 deadlines.
Other deadlines may apply.
Click for application for candidacy.  Ph.D. Defense and Committee Forms may be found here.