Nagle Lecture Series

Prior Nagle Lectures

Since its inauguration in 1996, the Nagle Lecture Series has hosted the following talks.

Peter Kuchment, University Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Texas A&M University
Our Mathematical Universe: The Mysterious Power of Mathematics
April 4, 2019

Colin Adams, Thomas J. Read Professor of Mathematics at Williams College
Blown Away: What Knot to do When Sailing
April 12, 2018

Michele Mosca, co-founder of the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo
Cybersecurity and the Quantum Era
April 6, 2017

Ken Ono, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Emory University
Ramanujan: The Inspirational Story and a Glimpse of his Mathematics
March 10, 2016

Robert W. Ghrist, Andrea Mitchell Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor at the University of Pennsylvania
Applied Topology
March 12, 2015

Charles R. Keeton, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Rutgers University
A Ray of Light in a Sea of Dark (Matter)
April 3, 2014

Erez Lieberman Aiden, Harvard Society of Fellows and Visiting Faculty at Google
How the Human Genome Folds
April 18, 2012

Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Calgary, Canada
Plants, Computers and Math
April 7, 2011

Arlie O. Petters, Benjamin Powell Professor and Professor of Mathematics, Physics, and Business Administration at Duke University
Einstein, Higher Dimensions, and Black Holes
April 1, 2010

John H. Conway, von Neumann Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University
From Topology to Symmetry
November 1, 2007

Fang-Hua Lin, Silver Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University
Problems for the Millennium: The Navier-Stokes Equations
March 29, 2007

Louis H. Kauffman, Professor of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago
Unknots, Collapsing Tangles and DNA Recombination
February 16, 2006

Andrew M. Odlyzko, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota
Cybersecurity, Mathematics, and Limits on Technology
February 24, 2005

F. Alberto Gr眉nbaum, Professor of Mathematics at UC Berkeley
Mathematics in Medical Imaging: the Present and the Future
November 1, 2001

A. K. Dewdney, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo
Do Aliens Do Math?
October 12, 2000

Jerrold E. Marsden, Professor of Control and Dynamical Systems at the California Institute of Technology
Dynamical Systems and Space Mission Design
March 9, 2000

Simon A. Levin, George Moffett Professor of Biology at Princeton University
The Rise and Fall of Biodiversity
January 21, 1999

Joseph B. Keller, Professor of Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering (Emeritus) at Stanford University
Mathematics of Games and Sports
November 5, 1998

Steven G. Krantz, Professor of Mathematics at Washington University
Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education
March 19, 1998

Arjen Lenstra, Corporate Technology Office of Citibank
Securing the Net: The Fruits of Incompetence
October 23, 1997

Persi Diaconis, Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University
Mathematics and Magic Tricks
March 20, 1997

Robert Devaney, Professor of Mathematics at Boston University
Chaos, Fractals, and Dynamics
February 13, 1997

George E. Andrews, Evan Pugh Professor of Mathematics at Pennsylvania State University
Ramanujan, Sums, and the Lost Notebook
November 14, 1996

Peter Borwein, Professor of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University
Mathematics in the Presence of Computers: The Rapidly Changing Face of Pure Mathematics
October 17, 1996

Harold Stevenson, Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan
Asia's Young Achievers in Mathematics
September 19, 1996