

Faculty Senate


October Faculty Senate: Meeting Highlights

pens and paper on gray background

In addition to the meeting agenda and minutes that are posted for Faculty Senate meetings, we'll be publishing monthly 'meeting highlights' to share the most important takeaways from the last Faculty Senate meeting.

October 21, 2021

  • Faculty Senate Business
    • The amendment to the constitution to update the definition of ‘General Faculty’ was approved by the Faculty Senate.
    • The ad hoc committee working on the budget council has connected with other SUS and AAU institutions to identify best practices. These have been incorporated into a draft charge which has been shared with administration for feedback. The ad hoc committee hopes to bring this before the faculty senate in January.
  • Strategic Plan Steering Committee Update
    • Vice Provosts Mukherjee and Chisolm sought feedback on the plan and objectives. They shared that they have connected with 17 groups for similar conversations.
    • Faculty comments included concerns about a focus on outcomes, emphasizing community engagement, concerns about citation-indexes when not all fields measure peer-reviewed journals in the same way, and the importance of the Arts.
    • Additional feedback can be submitted . 
  • Announcements from President Law
    • A summary of the Forest Preserve report was given. The full report can be found here.
    • She looks forward to announcing the Vice President of USF Research & Innovation Soon.

    • The search for a new Regional Chancellor for St. Petersburg will begin soon.

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Faculty Senate News

The Faculty Senate News will highlight the work of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Faculty Senate Councils, and share other information related to faculty governance at USF.