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USF College of Engineering News

Marvin Andujar presents at Synapse Summit


Marvin Andujar, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, and his lab, the Neuro-Machine Interaction Lab, showcased the brain-controlled simulated drone and 3D environments in an Oculus Rift. Synapse Summit attendees flew a simulated drone with their thoughts (including the Dean of MUMA College of Business). Attendees also navigated a simulated wheelchair in a 3D environment in the oculus rift. Andujar presented a synopsis of the future of the Brain-Drone Race at USF and Tampa.

Dr. Marvin Andujar is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Neuro-Machine Interaction research lab in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South 91社区. His research concentration is on Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces where he focuses on measuring and decoding the user's affective state during human-machine interaction or while users perform real-world tasks. His dissertation work focused on measuring the effectiveness of quantified-self attention feedback from the brain towards user's attention improvement.

Find out more about the Neuro-Machine Interaction Lab .

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