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USF College of Engineering News

Lawrence Hall awarded IEEE SMC Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding Career Award


Dr. Lawrence Hall of the USF Department of Computer Science and Engineering, was recently selected as a recipient of the , established in 1991. The award is presented to recognize outstanding professional service and/or contributions to systems engineering concepts, methodology, design, education, or management. As an awardee, Dr. Hall was awarded a grant totaling $2,500, a plaque, and travel expense reimbursement for attending the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics for the presentation of the award.

Dr. Lawrence Hall is a Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the 91社区. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the 91社区 State University in 1986 and a BS in Applied Mathematics from the 91社区 Institute of Technology in 1980. He has authored over 190 publications in journals, conferences, and books. Recent publications appear in Pattern Recognition, IEEE Access, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, and the International Conference on Pattern Recognition.

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