
Gert-Jan de Vreede

Gert Jan De Vreede

Room: BSN 210
Phone: (813) 974-0022

GJ de Vreede is  a professor in the School of Information Systems and Management. 

Under the stewardship of de Vreede, the college has experienced substantial growth, now serving more than 8,400 students. This includes 6,500 undergraduates, 1,800 graduate students, and 100 doctoral students. During his time as interim dean, de Vreede and his dedicated team have achieved notable milestones:

  • $15M+ in fundraising, including the naming of the Nault Center for Entrepreneurship.
  • $1M+ in scholarships (all-time record).
  • Dual AACSB reaccreditation with zero deficiencies. 
  • Highest overall student enrollment in past 8 years.

Research and Faculty Excellence

  • A record amount of research funding, including $13M+ in collaborative funding.
  • Initiation of the college-wide Research Academy and Teaching Academy.
  • Significant research support investments for faculty and PhD students.

Student Success

  • The full rollout of the Bellini Center for Talent Development.
  • Advising expansion for undergraduate and graduate students.
  • An organizational well-being strategy, including a staff development plan and staff appreciation awards.

Record program rankings (selection)

  • OMBA: #19 (#15 public) by USNWR; #23 (#13 public) by Poets & Quants.
  • EMBA: #29 (#18 public) by Fortune.
  • MS Entrepreneurship: #9 (#6 public) by Princeton Review.
  • MS BAIS #26 (#15 public) by TFE.
  • MS Management #22 (#7 public) by TFE.
  • Vinik Sport & Entertainment Management: #3 worldwide by Sport Business International.

De Vreede's research centers on AI, crowdsourcing, and collaboration engineering. His work is widely recognized, with over 12,000 citations and publications in respected journals including Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Management, International Journal of Information Management, Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, Small Group Research, and Communications of the ACM.

De Vreede has secured significant research funding, totaling over $6.5 million, from federal, state, industry, military, and private sources. His h-factor of 55 reflects his strong academic influence, and a Stanford University study ranks him in the top 2% of researchers globally across all fields up to the end of 2022.

In 2011, he received the GDN Section Award from the INFORMS Group Decision & Negotiation Section for his contributions to the research area of group decision and negotiation and his service to the INFORMS GDN section.

He earned his MS and PhD in Information Systems from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.


  • Cheng, X., Bao, Y., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G.J.,& Gu, J. (In Press). Ride-sharing customers' self-protection motivation in the post-COVID-19 world, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Yin, D., de Vreede, T. de, Steele, L., & de Vreede, G.J. (2023). Decide Now or Later: Making Sense of Incoherence Across Online Reviews, Information Systems Research, 34, 3, 1211-1227.

  • Winkler, R., Briggs, R.O., de Vreede, G.J., Leimeister, J.M., Oeste-Reiss, S., & Söllner, M. (2022). Modeling Support for New Forms of Collaborative Work Practices – The Facilitation Process Model 2.0, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69, 2, 423-437.

  • Cheng, X., Fu, S., & de Vreede, G.J. (2021). Determinants of trust in computer-mediated offshore software-outsourcing collaboration, International Journal of Information Management, 57, 102301.

  • Andel, S., de Vreede, T., Spector, Padmanabhan, B., P., Singh, V., & de Vreede, G.J. (2020). Do Social Features Help in Video-Centric Online Learning Platforms? A Social Presence Perspective, Computers in Human Behavior, 113, 12, 106505.

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  • Cheng, X., Fu, S., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G.J., Seeber, I., Maier, R., & Weber, B. (2020). Idea convergence quality in open innovation crowdsourcing: A cognitive load perspective, Journal of Management Information Systems, 37, 2, 349-376.

  • Seeber, I., Bittner, E. A. C., Briggs, R. O., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G.J., Elkins, A., Maier, R., Oeste-Reiß, S., Randrup, N., Schwabe, G., & Söllner, M. (2020). Machines as Teammates: A Research Agenda on AI in Team Collaboration, Information & Management, 57, 2, 1-22.

  • Vreede, G.J. de, Briggs, R.O. (2019). A Program of Collaboration Engineering Research & Practice: Contributions, Insights, and Future Directions, Journal of Management Information Systems, 36, 1, 74-119.


  • Editor in Chief, Group Decision & Negotiation

  • Senior Editor, AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction

  • Associate Editor, Information & Management

  • Chair, Collaboration Systems & Technology Track, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences