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ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS________________________________________________ 2021-current Associate Chair: School of Geosciences, Geography/Environmental Science and Policy Program, 91 2021-2023 Graduate Director: School of Geosciences, Geography/Environmental Science and Policy Program, 91 2008-2010 Graduate Director: Department of Geography/Environmental Science and Policy Program, 91 ACADEMIC POSITIONS_______________________________________________________ 2021-current Professor: School of Geosciences, Geography/Environmental Science and Policy Program, 91 2009-2021 Associate Professor: School of Geosciences, Geography/Environmental Science and Policy Program, 91 2003-2009 Assistant Professor: Department of Environmental Science & Policy, 91 2000-2003 Assistant Professor: Dept of Geography, Central Connecticut State University Instructor: Department of Geography, McMaster University 1994-1998 Teaching Assistant: Department of Geography, McMaster University 1992-1993 Tutor: Department of Geography at Auckland University Research Activities______________________________________________________ Book van Beynen, P.E. (editor) (2011) Karst Management. Springer Publishing, Dordrecht Book Chapters Pathak, A., van Beynen, P.E., Akiwumi, F.A. & Lindeman, K.C. (2022) Climate Change in the Strategic Tourism Planning for Small Islands: Key Policy Actors Perspectives from the Bahamas. Pandemics, Disasters, Sustainability, Tourism, 125-143 Onac, B., & van Beynen, P.E. (2021) Caves and Karst. In Harmon, R. et al. (eds) Encyclopedia of Geology. Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.12437-6 van Beynen P.E., Niedzielski M., Bialkowska-Jelinska E., & Alsharif K. (2018) Investigating Groundwater Vulnerability of a Karst Aquifer in Tampa Bay, 91. In: White W., Herman J., Herman E., Rutigliano M. (eds) Karst Groundwater Contamination and Public Health. Advances in Karst Science. Springer, Cham Smyth, M.P., Dunning, N.P., Weaver, E.M., van Beynen, P., & Ortegn Zapata, D. (2017) An Enigmatic Maya Center: Climate Change, Settlement Systems, and Water Adaptations at Xcoch, Puuc Region. In: Meghan Rubenstein (ed.) Yucatn Recent Investigations in the Puuc Region of Yucatn. Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology 8. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK. van Beynen, P.E (2011) Introduction. In van Beynen, P.E. (ed) Karst Management. Springer Publishing, Utrecht (1-5). van Beynen, P.E & van Beynen, K. (2011) Human disturbance of karst environments. In van Beynen, P.E. (ed) Karst Management. Springer Publishing, Utrecht (379-398). Peer refereed publications McCrackin, C.W., Kiflu, H.G., Kruse, S.E., van Beynen, P.E., Polk, J.S., & Miller, B. (2022) 3D Resistivity Survey Over Mapped Caves In Eogenetic Karst Terrane, West-Central 91, USA. Journal of Cave & Karst Studies 84 (1). van Beynen, P.E. (2021) Value of Groundwater to Public Supply in west-central 91, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-21. Wang, Y., van Beynen, P.E., Wang, P., Herbert, G. & Brooks, G. (2021) Investigation of Sedimentary Records of Hurricane Irma in Sinkholes, Big Pine Key, 91. Progress in Physical Geography 45(6), 885-906. Pathak, A., van Beynen, P.E., Akiwumi, F.A. & Lindeman, K.C. (2021) Climate adaptation within the tourism sector of a small island developing state: A case study from the coastal accommodations subsector in the Bahamas. Business Strategy & Development. Pathak, A., van Beynen, P.E., Akiwumi, F.A. & Lindeman, K.C. (2021) Impacts of climate change on the tourism sector of a Small Island Developing State: A case study for the Bahamas. Environmental Development, p.100556. Upton, E. van Beynen, P.E., Bialkowska-Jelinska, E. & Calcul, L. (2020) Fate of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in a Sinkhole Lake, 91, USA. Acta Carsologica, 49/2-3, 229-240. Alsharif, K.A, Rivera, A.E., & van Beynen, P.E. (2020) Irrigation with reclaimed water in an urban watershed and nutrient levels in adjacent streams. Water Environment Research, 113. DOI: 10.1002/wer.1482 Gallagher, K.C., Alsharif, K., Tsegaye, S, & van Beynen, P. (2018) A New Approach for Using GIS to Link Infiltration BMPs to Groundwater Pollution Risk. Urban Water Journal, 15(9), p. 847-857. van Beynen, P. E. (2018). Editors Message: Impact of politics on USA water quality monitoring, protection and management. Hydrogeology Journal, 1-3. van Beynen, P.E., Akiwumi, F. & van Beynen, K.M. (2018) A Sustainability Index for Small Island Developing States. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 25(2): 99-116. Kovarik, J.L., van Beynen, P.E. & Niedzielski, M.A. (2017) Groundwater vulnerability mapping for a sub-catchment of the Rio La Venta watershed, Chiapas, Mexico. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(23), p.797. van Beynen, P.E., Polk, J.S., Polyak, V. & Asmerom, Y. (2017) Late Pleistocene and Mid- Holocene Climate Change derived from a 91 Speleothem. Quaternary International, doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.05.008 Kovarik, J.L. & van Beynen, P.E. (2017) Karst-specific composite model for informed resource management decisions on the Biosfera de la Reserva Selva el Ocote Chiapas Mexico. In Parise, M. (ed.) Advances in Karst Research: Theory, Fieldwork and Applications. GSL special publications. DOI: 10.1144/SP466.1 Reyes, M., van Beynen, P.E., & Hafen, M. (2017) An experimental study of the utility of adventitious roots for determining the hydroperiod in isolated wetlands. Tropical Ecology 58(2): 369377 Smyth, M.P., Dunning, N.P., Weaver, E., van Beynen, P.E., & Gradena, J. (2017) The Perfect Storm: Climate Change and Ancient Maya Response in the Puuc Hills Region of Yucatan. Antiquity 91 (356), 490-509 Pollock, A., van Beynen, P.E., Delong, K., Polyak, V. & Asmerom, Y. (2017) A Speleothem- Based Mid-Holocene Precipitation Reconstruction For West-Central 91. The Holocene. doi:10.1177/0959683616678463 Pollock, A., van Beynen, P.E., Delong, K., Polyak, V., Asmerom, Y. & Reeder, R. (2016) A Mid-Holocene Paleoprecipitation Record From Belize. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 463, 103111. North, L., and van Beynen, P.E. (2016) All in the Training: Techniques for Enhancing Karst Landscape Education through Show Cave Interpretation. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 15(4), 279-290. Kovarik, J. L., & van Beynen, P. E. (2015) Application of the Karst Disturbance Index as a raster-based model in a developing country. Applied Geography, 63, 396-407. Polk. J.S., van Beynen, P.E., Polyak, V., & Asmerom, Y. (2013) Reconstructing Past Climates using Carbon Isotopes from Fulvic Acids in Cave Sediments. Chemical Geology Vol. 360-361, 1-9. van Beynen, P.E. & Bialkowska-Jelinska, E. (2012), Human disturbance of the Waitomo Catchment, New Zealand. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 108, 130-40. van Beynen, P.E., Brinkmann, R. & van Beynen, K. (2012) Creation of a sustainability index for karst environments. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies vol. 74. No. 2, 221-234. van Beynen, P.E., Niedzielski, M.A., Bialkowska-Jelinska, E., Alsharif, K., & Matusick, J. (2012) Comparative Study of Specific Groundwater Vulnerability of a Karst Aquifer in Central 91. Applied Geography, Vol. 32, No. 2. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog2011.09.005 Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E. & Wynn, J. (2011) An isotopic calibration study of precipitation, cave dripwater, and climate in west-central 91. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8169 Harley, G., Polk, J., Reeder, P., & van Beynen, P.E. (2010) Developing a GIS-based inventory for cave management implementation at Withlacoochee State Forest, 91. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. v. 72, no. 1, p. 3542. North, L. and van Beynen, P.E. & Parise, M. (2009). Interregional comparison of karst disturbance: West-Central 91 and Southeast Italy. Journal of Environmental Management, 90 (5), 1770-1781. Ortega, L.A., Heupel, M.R., van Beynen, P.E. & Motta, P. (2009). Home range, movement patterns, and water quality preferences of juvenile bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in a 91 nursery. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 84 (4), 361-373. van Beynen, P.E., Soto, L., & Polk, J. (2008) Variable calcite deposition rates as proxy for paleo-precipitation determination as derived from speleothems in Central 91. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 70 (1). van Beynen. P.E., Soto, L., & Pace-Graczyk, K., (2007). Paleoclimate reconstruction derived from speleothem strontium and d13C in Central Florida. Quaternary International doi:10.101016/j.quaint.2007.03.019. Available online. van Beynen, P.E., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V., Soto, L., & Polk, J.S. (2007) Variable intensity of teleconnections during the Late Holocene in Subtropical North America from an isotopic study of speleothem from 91. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L18703, Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E., & Reeder, P. (2007). Late Holocene environmental reconstruction using cave sediments from Belize. Quaternary Research 68, 53-63. van Beynen, P.E., Feliciano, N., North, L. & Townsend, K. (2006) Application of a Karst Disturbance Index in Hillsborough County, 91. Environmental Management 39, 261-277. Published online November 2006, in print Feb 2007. van Beynen, P.E. & Febberollio, P.J. (2006) Stable isotope record of precipitation and cave water for Indian Oven Cave, NY. Hydrological Processes 20, 1793-1803. van Beynen, P.E. & Townsend, K.M. (2005) A Disturbance Index for Karst Environments. Environmental Management 36 (1) 101-116. van Beynen, P.E., Schwarcz, H.P. & Ford, D.C. (2004) Holocene climatic variability recorded in a speleothem from McFails Cave, New York. The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 66 (1), 20-27. van Beynen, P.E., Ford, D.C., Schwarcz, H.P., & Timmins, G.T. (2002) Annual laminae in speleothems: their production and significance. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 39, 279-284. van Beynen, P.E., Bourbonniere, R.A, Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P. (2001), Causes of colour and fluorescence in speleothems. Chemical Geology 175, 319-341. van Beynen, P.E., Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P. (2000) Seasonal Variability in Organic Substances in Surface and Cave Waters. Hydrological Processes 14, 1177-1197. Non-peer-reviewed Publications Brinkmann R., Hafen M., & van Beynen, P.E. (2010) Paleosinkholes and Modern Sinkholes in the Brooksville Ridge Region of 91, USA: Clues to Landscape Genesis. 2nd Workshop Internazionale I Sinkholes Gli sprofondamenti catastrofici nellambiente naturale ed in quello antropizzato Roma, 3-4 December 2009. pp. 203-212 Smyth,M.P., Ezra B.W. Zubrow, B.W., Ortega-Zapata, D., Dunning, N.P. & van Beynen, P.E. (2008) A Preclassic Center in the Puuc Region: A Report on Xcoch Yucatan Mexico. Mexicon, v.30, 2008, p. 63. Ford, D. & van Beynen, P.E. (2008). Derek Ford: Oral History. Tampa, Fla: 91 Libraries, 91 Tampa Library. Technical Reports van Beynen. P.E. (2009). Executive Summary of Key Finding: 2007 CAS diversity survey. College of Arts and Sciences, 91 Reeder, P. van Beynen, P.E., Polk, J., Wofel, U., Colas, P.R., Stengert, K., & Webster, J. 2006. Annual report on multidisciplinary research activities on the northern Vaca Plateau for 2006. Technical Report for the Institute of Archaeology, Belize. Reeder, P., Beynen. P.E., Polk, J., Wofel, U., Colas, P. & Blackwelder, P. 2005. Annual Report on Multidisciplinary Research Activities on the Vaca Plateau for 2005. 91. Reeder, P., van Beynen, P., Polk, J., Florea, L., & Yuelling, A. 2004. A report on multidisciplinary research conducted on the Northern Vaca Plateau, Belize in 2004. Technical Report for the Government of Belize. Published Datasets Pollock, A.L., van Beynen, P.E., DeLong, K.L., Polyak, V. & Asmerom, Y. (2017) A Speleothem-based mid-Holocene precipitation reconstruction for West-Central 91 [Data set]. NOAA Paleo Data,  HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.25921/msya-h658" https://doi.org/10.25921/msya-h658 A.L. Pollock, van Beynen, P.E., DeLong, K.L., Polyak, V., Asmerom, Y. & Reeder, P. 2016. A mid-Holocene paleoprecipitation record from Belize [Data set]. NOAA Paleo Data,  HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.25921/1esk-zs20" https://doi.org/10.25921/1esk-zs20 Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E., Asmerom, Y., & V.J. Polyak. 2013. Reconstructing past climates using carbon isotopes from fulvic acids in cave sediments [Data set]. NOAA Paleo Data,  HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.25921/k59s-mt89" https://doi.org/10.25921/k59s-mt89 ACADEMIC GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS______________________________________ 2020 Philip van Beynen (PI) and Jennifer Collins (Co-PI), Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU): Urban Water Sustainability. National Science Foundation, $422,380 2016 USF College of Arts and Sciences International Travel Award, $2,500 2016 USF College of Arts and Sciences Internal Research Award, $1,500 2014 USF College of Arts and Sciences Internal Research Award, $1,500 2008-2013 National Science Foundation Grant, $269,000 Title: P2C2: Tropical-Subtropical Teleconnections During a Warmer Climate: 5-7 ka BP, $269,000 2007-2009 Southwest 91 Water Management District Grant, $30,688 Title: Climate variability in west 91 using cave sediments 2007-2009 Southwest 91 Water Management District Grant, $34,063 Title: Climate variability in west 91 using speleothems 2007-2009 Southwest 91 Water Management District Grant, $12,500 Title: Calibration study for 91 speleothems 2007 USF College of Arts and Sciences Internal Travel Grant, $750 2006 USF New Researcher Grant, $9,165 Title: Late Holocene environmental reconstruction using cave sediments from Central 91 2004 USF New Researcher Grant, $8,450 Title: The Holocene History of Aquifer Recharge in Western Central 91 as Derived from Speleothems 2002 EPA Environmental Education Grant, $10,000 Title: Local Environmental Health Education 2002 Connecticut State University Research Grant, $3,200 Title: Climate significance of fluorescence from North-eastern USA Speleothems 2001 Connecticut State University Research Grant, $4,000 Title: Seasonal variations in oxygen isotopes of rain and cave water at Tories Cave, CT. 199899 Post Doctoral Fellowship 1994 1997 Graduate Scholarship, Department of Geography, McMaster University 1994 McMaster University Centennial Scholarship Invited Presentations____________________________________________________ van Beynen, P.E., (2020) Karst in Urban Areas. Interview with Dr. Vanda Claudino-Sales for Department of Geography Symposium at Federal University of Ceara, in Fortaleza, Brazil. 09/1702020. According to Dr. Claudino-Sales, transcript of interview will be published in the William Morris Davis - Revista de Geomorfologia. van Beynen, P.E.,., Brinkmann, R. & van Beynen, K. (2017) A Sustainability Index for Karst Environments. International Congress of Speleology, Sydney, Australia, July 23-29, 2017. van Beynen, P.E., Niedzielski, M., & Alsharif, K. (2016) Comparative Study of Specific Groundwater Vulnerability of a Karst Aquifer in Central 91. Karst, Groundwater Contamination and Public Health (January, 2016) Karst Waters Institute, Puerto Rico. van Beynen, P.E.,., Niedzielski, M., & Alsharif, K. (2015) Comparative Study of Specific Groundwater Vulnerability of a Karst Aquifer in Central 91. GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA (1-4 November 2015), Paper No. 15-4.Philip van Beynen. 2008. 91s Underworld: Investigations into Climate Change. College of Arts and Sciences Evening with Scholars. van Beynen, P.E., 2008. Global Warming. Tampa Bay Catholic Archdiocese Workshop on Global Climate Change. van Beynen, P.E., (2007). Global Warming. USF Association of Retirees, Sept. 11, 2007 van Beynen, P.E., (2007). Reconstructing drought for Central 91: The last 2,000 years. Climate Change Forum, Tampa, May 9, 2007 van Beynen, P.E., (2007), Climate Change. Global Warming Forum. March 2007. Congregation Schaarai Zedek, Tampa. van Beynen, P.E., Soto, L., Polk, J. & Asmerom, Y. (2006). Reconstruction of late Holocene precipitation for western 91: A speleothem record. Southwest 91 Water Management District. van Beynen, P., Soto, L., Polk, J. Asmerom, Y., & Polyak, V. (2005) Reconstruction of late Holocene precipitation for 91: A speleothem record. University of 91, Department of Geology, Graduate Seminar Series van Beynen, P.E., Soto, L., Polk, J. Asmerom, Y., & Polyak, V. (2005). Reconstruction of late Holocene precipitation for 91: A speleothem record. St Johns River Water Management District. Climate Change Influences on Water Resources Symposium Series. van Beynen, P.E., USF Geology Dept, Colloquium Series, 2005-2006. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS______________________________________________ Wang, Y., van Beynen, P.E., Wang, P., Herbert, G. & Brooks, G. (2024) Investigation of Sedimentary Records of Hurricane Irma in Sinkholes, Big Pine Key, 91. AAG Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. van Beynen, P.E. (2020). Economic Value of 91s Groundwater. UNESCO Karst2020 conference. August 18-20. van Beynen,P.E., Pollock,A., DeLong,K., Polyak,V. & Asmerom, Y. (2019). Investigation of mid-Holocene Climatic Teleconnections between Central America and Subtropical North America. AAG Annual Meeting, Washington DC. van Beynen, P.E. & Wang, P. (2015) Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Sinkhole Sediments from the Chazzahowitzka River, 91. AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago. Davies, G., van Beynen, P.E, Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P, (2014) Reconstruction of MIS (3-5c) Climate Change for Southeast Tennessee, USA. 2014 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. Pollock A., van Beynen, P.E., Polyak, V. & Asmerom, A. (2014). Variability in precipitation during the mid-Holocene for the Mayan Lowlands of Northern Central America. 2014 AAG Annual Meeting Tampa, 91 van Beynen, P.E., Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P. (2013) Seasonal influx of organic carbon into Marengo Cave, Indiana, USA. Carbon and Boundaries in Karst Conference, Carlsbad, New Mexico van Beynen, P.E., & Pollock, A., (2012) Cyclicity of mid-Holocene Paleoprecipitation in Belize, AAG Meeting, New York, February 24-28. van Beynen, P.E., Pollock, A., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V,& Polk, J. (2011) A high-resolution Floridian speleothem record for the Mid-Holocene. The 6th Karst Record Conference (KR6) on Climate Change, Birmingham, UK. Pollock A., van Beynen, P.E., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V, & Polk, J. (2011) A Central American Mid-Holocene Climate Record. The 6th Karst Record Conference (KR6) on Climate Change, Birmingham, UK. van Beynen, P.E., Leech, A., & Polk, J.S. (2010) Mid-Holocene Climate Reconstruction for Subtropical North America. AAG Meeting, Washington DC, April 14-18. Polk, J.S. & van Beynen, P.E. (2010). Late Holocene Climate Change and precipitation variability in 91. 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting. North, L. & van Beynen, P.E. (2010) Karst Tourist Attractions as Venues for Enhancing Informal Karst Education. 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (November 2010) van Beynen, P.E. & Brinkmann, R. (2010) Creating a Sustainability Index for Karst Environments. 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October 3 November 2010) van Beynen, P.E., Polk, J.S. & Willard, D. (2009) Holocene changing vegetation as recorded by cave sediments. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, May. van Beynen, P.E., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V, Soto, L., & Polk, J.S. (2008) 91 speleothem records variable intensity of teleconnections during Late Holocene in subtropical North America. National Speleological Society Convention Program Guide, 91. p.123. van Beynen, P.E. . and Townsend, K., 2008. A Disturbance Index for Karst Environments. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, April. North, L., van Beynen, P.E. & Parise, M. (2008) Interregional Comparison of Karst Disturbance: West-Central 91 and Southeast Italy. Association of American Geographers 2008 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E. & Harley, G.L. (2007) Late Holocene Paleoenvironmental Changes: Evidence from Cave Sediments in 91. National Speleological Society Convention Program Guide, p. 111. van Beynen, P.E. . Matusick, J. & Zanbergen, P. (2007) Comparative study of groundwater vulnerability models in a karst aquifer in Central 91. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Polk, J.S. & van Beynen, P.E. (2007). A Multi-proxy Approach to Using Cave Sediment Carbon Isotopes for Late Holocene Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in 91. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP43B-1265. Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E. & Harley, G.L. (2007) Environmental Reconstruction During the Late Holocene from Cave Sediments in Jennings Cave, Marion County, 91. 91 Society of Geographers 43rd Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, 91. North, L., & van Beynen, P.E. (2007) Applying the Karst Disturbance Index in West-Central, 91. National Speleological Society 2007 Annual Meeting, Morengo, IN. North, L., & van Beynen, P.E. (2007) Applying the Karst Disturbance Index in West-Central, 91. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. van Beynen, P.E., Soto, L.R., Polk, J.S., & Asmerom, Y. (2006) Late Holocene Precipitation Reconstruction for Central 91 Derived from Speleothems. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 7, p. 489. Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E., & Reeder, P. (2006) Environmental Reconstruction since 2,500 Years Ago Using Cave Sediments from Belize. Archives of Climate Change in Karst. Proceedings of the Symposium Climate Change: The Karst Record. Onac, B.P., Tamas, T., Constantin, S., and Persoiu, A., eds. Karst Waters Institute: Special Publication 10. Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E., & Harley, G., 2006. Environmental Reconstruction during the late Holocene from Cave Sediments in Jennings Cave, Marion County, 91. Philadelphia Annual Meeting (2225 October 2006) Paper No. 153-8. Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E., & Reeder, P. (2006) Environmental Reconstruction since 2,500 Years Ago Using Cave Sediments from Belize. Climate Change: The Karst Record IV International Conference, Baile Herculane, Romania. Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E., & Reeder, P. (2006) Paleoclimate Inferences from Belize 13C Variations in Cave Sediments. University of South Florida 5th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium Soto. L., van Beynen, P.E., Polk., J., Polyak, V. & Asmerom, Y. (2005) South Eastern USA Millennial Precipitation Reconstruction from a Floridian Speleothem. Geological Society of America, Annual meeting, Utah Polk, J.S., van Beynen, P.E. & Reeder, P. (2005) Paleoclimate Inferences in Belize: 13C Variations in Cave Sediments. Geological Society of America, Annual meeting, Utah Hollander, D., Soto, L. Polk, J. & van Beynen, P.E. (2005) Intercomparison of speleothem and lake geochemical proxy records for interpreting paleohydrologic conditions on sub-tropical North America during the late Holocene. American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. van Beynen, P.E., Soto, L., Cross, E., van Vleet, T., Hollander, D., Asmerom, Y., & Polyak, V. (2004) Comparison of Paleohydrologic Records for the Gulf of Mexico. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver. van Beynen, P.E.(2003) Stable isotope record of precipitation and cave water for Indian Oven Cave, NY. Association of American Geographers, New Orleans. van Beynen, P.E., Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P., (2001) From the Sangamon to the Holocene: A comparison of five speleothem isotopic records. New York. Association of American Geographers, New York City. van Beynen, P.E., Morrison, J., Ford, D.C.,& Schwarcz, H.P., (2000) Holocene climatic variability measured by speleothems in McFails Cave, New York. Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh. van Beynen, P.E., Morrison, J., Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P. (1999) Holocene and Late Quaternary high resolution climate records from four North American speleothems, Geological Society of America, Denver. van Beynen, P.E., Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P., (1999) A high resolution climate record of the last interglacial from a West Virginian Speleothem, Canadian Geophysical Union, Banff. van Beynen, P.E., Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P., (1999), Studies of fluorescence in annual growth layers in modern calcitic speleothems, Canadian Geophysical Union, May, Banff. van Beynen, P.E., Timmins, G., Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P., (1998) Fluorescence in Modern Speleothems: Annual Laminae and Their Significance, Geological Society of America Meeting, Toronto. van Beynen, P.E., Ford, D.C., & Schwarcz, H.P. (1997), Characterization and Seasonality of Humic Substances in Cave Water, Marengo Cave, Indiana, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Speleology, Switzerland, pp. 262. CONFERENCE SESSIONS ORGANIZED_________________________________________ 2014 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in Tampa, 91. Duelling teleconnections: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. 2012 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in New York: Quaternary Environmental Change: Student Oral Presentations. February 24-28. 2011 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in Seattle: Quaternary Environmental Change: Student Oral Presentations. April 9-13. 2008 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in Boston. Environmental Assessment of Karst Landscapes. April 14-19. TEACHING ACTIVITIES______________________________________________________ Courses taught 2003-current Department of Geography - Environmental Science and Policy Program, 91 Undergraduate Courses EVR 2002 Introduction to Environmental Science EVR 4104 Karst Environments EVR 4114 Climate Change GEO 2200 Introduction to Physical Geography GEO 4910 Individual Research Graduate Courses EVR 6922 ESP Capstone Seminar EVR 6930 Colloquium Environmental Science and Policy (ESP) EVR 6908 ESP Independent Study EVR 6934 Paleoclimatology EVR 7980 Doctoral Dissertation Research GEO 6971 Thesis: Masters GEO 6918 Directed Research GEO 6209 Management of 91 Landforms GEO 7021 Doctoral Dissertation Preparation 2000-2003 Department of Geography, Central Connecticut State University Undergraduate Courses Geog 110 Introduction to Geography Geog 110 Introduction to Geography (First Year Experience) Geog 272 Introduction to Physical Geography Geog 275 Soils and Vegetation Geog 270 Geography of Environmental Hazards Geog 374 Climatology Geog 442 Field Methods in Geography Geog 472 Geomorphology Geog 459 Field Methods in Regional Geography: Landscapes of New Zealand IS 490 International Studies: Studies of New Zealand Instructor: Department of Geography, McMaster University Undergraduate Courses Biogeography: Environmental Change and the Biosphere Regional Geography: NZ and Australia Research Methods and Communication The Shifting Earth Doctoral Dissertation Committees Major Professor Ela Bialkowska-Jelinska (Geog/ESP ongoing) Youzhu Wang (Geog/ESP 2021) Arsum Pathak (Geog/ESP 2020) Anna (Leech) Pollock (Geog/ESP 2015) Johanna Kovarik (Geog/ESP 2015) Sandra Garren (Geog/ESP 2014) Leslie North (Geog/ESP 2011) Jason Polk (Geog/ESP 2009) Committee member Sunhye Kim (Geology ongoing) Fautemeh Bami (Geog/ESP ongoing) Mubarak Umar (Geography ongoing) Zachary Smith (ESP 2020) Daniel Cleary (Geology 2020) Joseph England (Geography 2020) Michael Archeampong (ESP 2018) Antonia Panaou (Engineering 2017) Nicole Hutton (Geography 2016) Bryan Booth (ESP 2015) Lee Florea (Geology2006) Chair of Doctoral Dissertation Examination Committees Joseph van Gaalen, 2011, Dept. of Geology, USF. Keith Garman, 2010, Dept. of Cell Biology, USF Christina Stringer, 2010, Dept. of Geology, USF. Dorien McGee, 2010, Dept. of Geology, USF. Christina Stringer, 2010, Dept. of Geology, USF. Jennifer Sliko, 2010, Dept. of Geology, USF. Sophie Pearson, 2009, Dept. of Geology, USF. Rick Bowersox, 2006, Dept. of Geology, USF. Masters Thesis Committees Major Professor Stanley Kordecki (Geography ongoing) Zachary Tabaac (ESP ongoing) Furough Shakarmamadova (ESP 2023) Jessica Thorthon (ESP - 2023) Yakubu Isah (ESP 2023) Austin Anahory (ESP 2022) Esra Zengin (ESP 2022) Ethan Upton (ESP 2019) Kittiya Harris (ESP 2017) Jaime Swindaz (ESP 2015) Kristi Kauzlarich (ESP 2014) Charles McCrackin (ESP 2012) Michael Reyes (ESP 2012) Monetta Wilson (ESP 2009) Lori Ortega (ESP 2008) Leslie North (ESP 2007) Limaris Soto (Geology 2005) Jason Polk (ESP upgraded to Ph.D.) Committee member Matthew Fairchild (ESP ongoing) Laura Calabro (Geology 2023) Quinton Vitelli-Hawkins (Geology - 2022) Fautemeh Bami (ESP 2021) Eda Okan Kilic (ESP 2021) Dylan Parmenter (Geology 2018) Jackie Perry (ESP 2017) Kristopher Gallagher (ESP 2017) Scott Ishler (Geology 2015) Irene Rehberger Bescos (ESP 2012) Garrett Hyzer (ESP 2012) Kali Pace-Graczyk (Geology 2007) Kirk Sanders (ESP 2006) Richard Walther (Geology 2005) Kelly Wilson (ESP 2004) Non-Thesis Committees Major professor Michael Smith, Diana Miller, Mkpouto Etukudoh, Kawika Bailey, Allison Bednar, Hunter Burnham, Madison Frazier, Andrea Gann, Tim Hunter Committee member Nayan Vilas Patil, Amanda Gillum Advisor for Chair of Undergraduate Honors Thesis Nilda Feliciano, Joseph White, Kristin Johnson, Eva Austin MEDIA APPEARANCES/INTERVIEWS_________________________________________ Newspaper feature article: 2021 A Tampa Bay scientists on the nature of sinkholes- Tampa Bay Times Newspaper interviews: 2019 NBC Action News, Interview, Sinkholes 2015 ABC Action News, Video Interview, Sinkholes NBC Action News, Video Interview, Sinkholes 2013 USA Today, Sinkholes Tampa Bay Times, Interview with Ben Montgomery, Sinkholes Tampa Bay Times, Video Interview, Sinkholes USA Today, Interview with Rick Jervis, Sinkholes 2011 CBS News, Sinkholes 2007 Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Hurricanes 2006 Bradenton Herald, Renewable Energy Television and Radio interviews: 2023 Tampa Bay 10, Busch Gardens Sinkhole 2017 91 Public Radio, Sabal Trail pipeline 2016 Bay News 9, Sinkholes Action News 10 Tampa, Sinkholes Fox 13 News Channel, Tampa, Sinkholes Al Jareeza America, Sinkholes USF Oracle Newpaper, Sinkholes WUSF Public Radio, Sinkholes 2013 Action News 10 Tampa, Sinkholes 2013 NBC News Channel 8, Tampa, Sinkholes Fox 13 News Channel, Tampa, Sinkholes Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 774 ABC Melbourne, Nightlife with Tony Delroy, Sinkholes. 2011 Bay News 9, Sinkholes 2011 Action News 10 Tampa, Sinkholes Other venues: Youtube video on karst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXxKUHL9A94 UNVERSITY SERVICE_______________________________________________________ 91 2023 - USF Faculty Senate Library Council 2023 - School of Geosciences Chair of Search Committees - Geography ESP programs 2021 - School of Geosciences Associate Chair Geography ESP programs 2021-2023 School of Geosciences Graduate Director Geography ESP programs 2016 - FacultyAdvisoryCommittee for USF Contemporary Art Museum andGraphicstudio 2016 -2021 USF Faculty Senate USF Systems Faculty Senate USF Faculty Senate Executive Committee USF Faculty Senate Faculty Issues Committee School of Geosciences Faculty Advisory Committee School of Geosciences Faculty Evaluation Committee School of Geosciences Graduate Committee Faculty Sponsor - Gamma Theta Upsilon- Kappa Kappa Chapter 2014 - 2015 College of Arts and Sciences Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Geosciences Tenure and Promotion Committee School of Geosciences Visioning Committee School of Geosciences Graduate Committee School of Geosciences Search Committee School of Geosciences Faculty Advisory Committee School of Geosciences Faculty Evaluation Committee 2013 -2014 Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Committee School of Geosciences Governance Committee School of Geosciences Graduate Committee 2012 - 2013 Vice-Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Committee 2011- 2013 ESP Program Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2009-11 ESP Ad Hoc Planning Committee ESP Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2009 Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Diversity Committee 2008 College of Arts and Sciences Diversity Committee ESP Ad Hoc Planning Committee Geography Undergraduate Curriculum Committee USF Internal Grant Reviewer 2007 College of Arts and Sciences Diversity Committee ESP Ad Hoc Planning Committee USF Internal Grant Reviewer 2006 ESP Undergraduate Curriculum Committee ESP Ad Hoc Planning Committee ESP Graduate Committee Faculty Search Committee for ESP USF Internal Grant Reviewer 2005 Chairman of ESP Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Faculty Search Committee for ESP Faculty Search Committee for Geography ESP-Geography Merger Committee 2004 Chairman of ESP Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Committee member of Faculty Search Committee for ESP 2003 Committee member of Undergraduate Committee Central Connecticut State University 2003 Member of Faculty Development Grant Committee Member of CCSU University-wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member of Faculty Search Committee for Geography Dept. 2002 Member of Faculty Development Grant Committee Alternate for University-wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Geography Faculty Meeting Secretary SERVICE TO SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY_______________________________________ Editorial Board 2017 - 2020 Hydrogeology Journal Associate Editorship 2017 - 2020 Hydrogeology Journal Reviewer for Federal Governments National Science Foundation, USA Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Federal Funding Agency (Germany) Reviewer for Refereed Journals Chemical Geology Environmental Management Journal of Hydrology Environmental Geology Environmental Engineering European Journal of Soil Science Quaternary International Hydrological Processes Atmosfera Zeitschrift fr Geomorphologie Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Journal of Cave and Karst Studies Hydrogeology Journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters International Journal of Speleology Acta Carsologica National Geographic Society Scientific Reports Water Earth Environmental Sciences Contaminant Hydrogeology PLOS ONE Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Reviewer of Book Chapters Cave Science, British Caving Association. Board Member of Academic Association Association of American Geographers, Paleoenvironmental Specialty Group, 2010-2012. Professional organizations Geological Society of America Association of America Geographers International Association of Hydrologeologists SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY_______________________________________________ 2023 St Petersburg Science Fest, Volunteer !(./09?AWloqxyS T V b t    - . / 1 2 d ȹh7ChJhJH*hJhEh9Hh6 h<3h{x5hJh{x>*5>*5>*<3hjh`<1$7$8$H$]>^`g崳`<1$7$8$H$^``gdJp<1$7$8$H$^pgdJ <1$7$8$H$gdJ $<a$gdJ $<a$gdJ     O P Q [ o    % & + C   " 3  ]^cǿLJxth:i h<3h'6hCh'65h'6jhX 0J$Uh:ihX 5h'6hX 5\ h<3hX hX 5hChX 5hX hX 5>*\hJh6 5>*<3h{x5 h{x5\hJ5>*5>*<3h{x-   ^M+l <gdJ & F<1$7$8$H$gdJ`<1$7$8$H$^``gdJ`<1$7$8$H$^``gd'6`<1$7$8$H$^``gdX <1$7$8$H$gdJcghkq{}'()LMWjlopq+5:<klܸͱ͙͙ͩܡܡ܍hJhMP5;>*\ h6 5\ h6 5hh6 5h6 h6 5h9Hh6 5 h<3h9Hh6 h6 5\ h<3h<0h<0 h<3h6 hCh6 5h6 h<3h:ih%B/ h:i5hCh:i5h:ih'60 HIJv ]^w'(;<=YZnoMĽ hX h2Suh:h<06h<0 hX h<0hX h-chX 6 hX hzbhzb hX hX hX hX 56 hX 56 h hld h hL| hL|56hJhMP5;>*\hJ5>*\7v o|J g5 ;!<gd-c0<^`0gd2Su <^gdX 0<^`0gdX <gdX M]`MOrsCDABYi|,Juvw  hX hzbh2Suh-chX 6hX hzb h`5hX hX 5 hX hX hX h2Suh:h2Su6LVg$5^_`      d e #!;!X!Y!Z!!!!!!6"7"8"V"W"""""""# #!#k#w########$U$c$$$$$$%5%E%F%G%%%%%%&&&7&8&s&&&h2Su hX hzbhzbh-chX 6hX hX hX X;!!"#c$5%%&:''()*Y+M,'-/0e1I22j3*44|5 6!6@670<^`0gdX &&&&&'&':'Z'['\''''5(7((((() ) ) ) )))))))))X*y***** +C+Y++++,:,M,i,j,k,,,-'-C-E-.////00000000F1Y1e111122I2Z2\222222@3X3j33hX h-chX 6 hX hzbhzb hX hX Y33344*4X4Z444455]5m5|555566 6!6@6X6k66`77777818F8N8O8b8j8888899 9 99I99999:B:::::::%;C;u;w;;;<<<<.</<hjh_:56hjhj56 hX 56hjhv<hX hX 5h-chX 6hX hzbH7F88889:C;<</<H=J>T?U??D@@@A 1$7$8$H$gd'6`1$7$8$H$^``gd'6 1$7$8$H$gd( -DM gdj0-DM ^`0gd-c0<^`0gdX /<><P<X<^<d<h<i<j<r<s<t<v<w<x<|<~<<<<<<<<ïq]RJ?jh-ch<0Uh<0B*ph!!!h-ch<0B*ph!!!&h-ch<0B*fHphDDDq )h-ch<06B*fHphDDDq )h-ch2Su6B*fHphDDDq &h:hzbB*fHphDDDq &hzbhzbB*fHphDDDq hzbB*fHphDDDq &h-chzbB*fHphDDDq hzb&h-ch2SuB*fHphDDDq <#=$=F=G=H=V=g=h=p=v=|==============űt_J_?h-ch<0B*ph!!!)h-ch<06B*fHphDDDq )h-ch2Su6B*fHphDDDq &hzbhzbB*fHphDDDq hzbB*fHphDDDq &h:hzbB*fHphDDDq hzb&h-ch2SuB*fHphDDDq h-ch2SuB*ph!!!;h-ch<00JB* eh@fHphWq r@jh-ch<0U h-ch<0====>%>&>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/?潩ܱW)-<06B*fHphDDDq )h-ch2Su6B*fHphDDDq &h:hzbB*fHphDDDq &hzbhzbB*fHphDDDq hzbB*fHphDDDq hzb&h-ch2SuB*fHphDDDq h-ch<0B*ph!!!;h-ch<00JB* eh@fHphWq r@jh-ch<0Uh<0B*ph!!! 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To: Hernando County Planning Department. 2014-2015 Northeast Raiders U10 Boys Soccer Team Manager 2011- 2012 Great American Teach-in, Jamerson Elementary School, Presenter 2011 ClubSports Kids soccer coach 2009 to date Crescent Lake Clean Up, St. Petersburg, Volunteer      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 16 PAGE  PAGE 16 I think its good to separate out the two, especially if you want an admin job  2qrtuwxz{}~ &`#$gds{!!$a$ <1$7$8$H$gdJ`<1$7$8$H$^``gdJ`<1$7$8$H$^``gdMtuvwxyz{|}~ Ƶ籧籣h2jhzb0J$Uhjh-c0JmHnHu hzb0Jjhzb0JUjhzbUmHnHuh-cmHnHuhzbjhzbUhb}jhb}U&  <1$7$8$H$gdJ% &`#$gds{h]hgds{ ?0P1F:pL|/ =!"#$% Dp+x00hH002 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ {FNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH J@J  Heading 1$1$7$8$@&H$ 5CJ\JJ  Heading 2$1$7$8$@&H$ 5;\>>  Heading 3$@& 6PJ]DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 6U`6 Hyperlink >*B*phLZL 0 Plain TextCJOJQJaJmHsHtH> @> 9H0Footer !1$aJh.)@!. s{ Page Number.X`1. 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