


My name is Stacey Sepulveda,  I am the Academic Advisor/ Student Success Coach in the Bellini College of Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Computing.  I come with 20+ years college advising and  success coaching experience. I have spent my career working with first time college students, community college students, and students on their way to becoming college graduates.

As a success coach, I assist students with resolving issues and creating action plans to achieve their ultimate academic and career goals. My success coaching model focuses on using a holistic approach that helps students learn how to maintain a healthy school/life balance. Success coaching sessions/topics can include:

  • Connecting students with university resources.
  • Discussing and addressing barriers or concerns.
  • Creating realistic and timely goals.
  • Learning better time management and study habits.


Walk-In Hours
Monday 10:00 am-12:00 pm Teams
Tuesday 1:00pm-3:00 pm ENB 367
Wednesday 10:00 am-12:00 pm ENB 367
Thursday 1:00pm-3:00 pm ENB 367
Friday 10:00 am-12:00 pm Teams
Academic Success Self-Discipline Emotional Well-Being

Frequently Asked Questions

What will a success coaching session look like?

Students meet one-on-one with a success coach, topics/discussions are customized and individualized to meet each student's specific concerns or needs; this can include understanding your unique learning style, develop better study strategies, review of time management and organization skills and stress management. My success coach model assists students to be independent and feel empowered in their academic journey. 

Why have a success coach?

  • Discover your unique learning style and preferences
  • Improve GPA and fulfill academic potential
  • Develop organization, time management, and study habits to avoid procrastination. 
  • Learn of different university resources and opportunities available
  • Identify your strength and motivations to increase your self-esteem.

What can the Success Coach help me with?

The Success Coach helps students maximize their potential and equip students with the academic and life skills and confidence needed to be successful in their academic studies.
The success coach helps students identify challenges and barriers and assists students with creating an individualized success plan.  

When should I meet with a Success Coach? 

If you are struggling with an entry level CSE course or repeating a course such as Calc 1, Calc 2, Physics 1, Programming Concepts, Program Design and Computer Organization. 

If you find that you need assistance with Time Management, Study Habits, Procrastination, Organization and much more, contact your success coach.  

Is a Success Coach a tutor?

No! While tutors help students with course specific topics, the Success Coach helps students strengthen their skills, such as time management, better study habits, understand learning styles, organization, build on confidence and more! 

Remember to utilize the Engineering Student Success Center and access a Tutor for tutoring at ENG104.

Where can I find my Success Coach?

Your Success Coach is located in Engineering Building II, ENB367 and can be found on Teams Chat and by email at Be sure to email the Success Coach with your questions or reach out to make an appointment.

How do I make an appointment? Are appointments virtual or in person?

Appointments are offered both in person or virtual, depending on the needs of the student!  There are also specific days for Virtual Walk-in hours.